The Same Mind

They were a big deal, so IT was a big deal.

Don’t know how many people assembled at the church in Philippi, but you sense they all knew who these two ladies were. Euodia and Syntche — “Fragrant” and “By Chance.” Not only were they members of the church, but you sense they were also movers and shakers in the church. Along with other notables from the body, they had “labored side by side” with the apostle Paul in the work of the gospel (Php. 4:3). Did you get that? “Side by side!” With the apostle Paul! They were in to win. They were making a difference. They were kind of a big deal.

So, the fact that there was obvious conflict between the two of them was also a big deal. So big a deal that it has Paul not only calling them out through the public reading of his letter, but also publicly pleading with them.

I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord.

(Philippians 4:2 ESV)

Agree in the Lord . . . that’s what I’m chewing on this morning.

I’m pretty sure we’re not talking core doctrinal issues here, otherwise Paul would have been correcting in the Lord rather than pleading with these sisters about agreeing in the Lord. I’m also guessing that neither was it trivial matters which were in dispute as there’s the sense that the character of these ladies was above majoring on minors.

Whatever the disagreement, I’m thinking it was the type of differences coworkers with Paul and co-laborers in the gospel might have when it comes to philosophy of ministry, approach to ministry, or priorities in ministry. Paul knew himself how such disputes might arise. He had personal experience with such things. In fact, I wonder if as he penned these words he might not have been thinking back on a time when he could have been writing these words to himself and Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41).

Whatever the conflict, Paul goes public, enlisting others in the church to get involved, draw alongside, and help as necessary as he exhorts these faithful servants to agree in the Lord (Php. 4:3).

Literally, he begs them to be of the same mind or to think the same thing. And I don’t think he’s wanting from them uniformity of opinion so much as he’s contending for unity in operation. Thus, I don’t think he wants them to have the same mind as each other, but “in the Lord” I’m thinking he wants these loyal ladies to have the same as Christ. And what does the mind of Christ look like?

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 2:1-5 ESV)

Agree in the Lord. Be likeminded with putting on a mind like Christ’s mind.

Check for selfish ambition. Any politicking going on? Any electioneering? Partisanship at play? Any willingness to fracture for the sake of “being right”? Any hint of any of that? Then, get rid of it. It’s not the same mind as Christ’s mind.

What about ego, is that in play? Is the need to prevail tied to personal esteem or sense of worth? Needs to be jettisoned. Not the same mind as Christ’s mind.

Instead, being of the same mind with others begins with thinking about others. Thinking of others as better than yourself. Considering others’ interests and not just your own agenda. Emptying yourself, as Jesus did (Php. 2:6-7), for the sake of others. If both sisters were to do that, then the mind they’d end up with would be the same mind, the mind of Christ.

Doable in the flesh? Uh . . . I don’t think so. That’s why Paul says it going to need participation in the Spirit.

But profitable for the church? Helpful for the gospel? Yeah, in a big way!

Agree in the Lord . . .

Have the same mind.

Only by His grace. Always for His glory.

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