A Bit of Background

So . . . back in 2006 I started capturing my morning devotional thoughts to my computer and e-mailing them to my 5 daughters . . . kind of an e-enabled family altar.  As others heard about it they asked to be added to the distribution list and then in 2007 I started posting my morning devos to a blog.

I follow the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan, with readings each morning in the Old Testament Historical & Prophetical books, the Poetical books, the Gospels, and the Epistles.  And then, I try and capture something that impressed me from that morning’s reading.

No agenda . . . just chewin’ on the word of God . . . and offering it up to others for whatever benefit it might be to them.  Not particularly good writing, but heartfelt.   Not about me . . . but about the One who redeemed me . . . for His glory.


December, 2009

2 Responses to A Bit of Background

  1. LubbyGirl says:

    Just found this through my boss’s link on Facebook! This is the same type of thing I do, only I use a daily devotional Bible called “Strength for your Journey,” and share what grabs me the most from my reading. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  2. Brenda Cotton says:

    Pete, your daily devotionals have been such a blessing to me. I’ve been getting them every morning for years and have passed them on to others as the Spirit leads. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and revelation, and the desire to share with those of us needing daily fresh manna!

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