On Our Side

I’m in the camp of those who feel like polarization within our culture is something to be greatly concerned about. (Isn’t that in and of itself a polarizing statement if it puts you in a camp?)

Seems like our cultural moment is overshadowed with the view that everyone needs to take a side. To be for or against. To be in or out. To align on all points or not be aligned at all. Common ground, it seems, is not only ignored but actually eschewed — for then we might admit that our side isn’t unequivocally the right side. It’s enough to make one weary. To make one whisper to themselves, “Can’t we just all be on the same side?”

But this morning, I’m chewing on something in Psalm 124 that reminds me that God has picked a side.

If it had not been the LORD who was on our side
let Israel now say—
if it had not been the LORD who was on our side
when people rose up against us,
then they would have swallowed us up alive,
when their anger was kindled against us;
then the flood would have swept us away,
the torrent would have gone over us;
then over us would have gone
the raging waters.
. . .
Our help is in the name of the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.

(Psalm 124:1-5, 8 ESV)

On our side . . . On our side. O, blessed, holy repetition!

There would be no song of ascents, no songwriter, no singer, nothing to sing about, nothing to look forward to, no place to sojourn to, if God’s people could not have said, If it had not been the LORD who was on our side.

God has chosen a side, the side of a people He has chosen and redeemed for Himself. Not a people who merit having God on their side, but a people who have found mercy and grace through the pierced side of Jesus and His finished work on Calvary’s cross. Not a people who warrant God in their camp, but a people who have been called outside of whatever camp they may have once been part of, leaving the camp to follow Jesus, to bear His reproach, even as they seek a new city (Heb. 13:13-14).

God is on our side. God is for us.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

(Romans 8:31 ESV)

That doesn’t necessarily mean life is gonna get easier, but it does mean it is always doable.

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

(John 16:33b ESV)

Praise God He’s picked a side . . . our side!

. . . for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

(Hebrews 13:5b-6 ESV)

On our side , on our side . . .

Okay, maybe I am for a bit of polarization.

By His grace. For His glory.

Time for some vintage southern gospel . . . “If It Had Not Been”

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