Divine Capacity (2011 Remix)

Used to be that I’d often get an urge. A bee in my bonnet would compel me, something would go off inside me. Something that said it’s time to rearrange the furniture in a room. Most often it was driven by a perception that the room was looking overcrowded — that there was too much stuff in it, and it looked too untidy — and that, somehow, by rearranging the stuff I’d make it less crowded. Now my wife had a way too simplistic approach to an overcrowded or untidy area . . . take stuff out. Nah, too logical, too easy. For me, it was about rearranging stuff!

Now, I know (now more so than then) that it really all came down to capacity. Any given space can only hold so much. You can’t put a gallon of water into a two-quart container. You’re gonna need more space if you want to keep more stuff. The psalmist understood that too.

I will run in the way of your commandments when You enlarge my heart!

(Psalm 119:32 ESV)

The psalmist continues his impassioned plea to God for the knowledge and understanding of His ways: “give me life according to Your word” (v25); “teach me Your statutes!” (v26); “make me understand Your precepts” (v27); “graciously teach me Your law” (v29). But how does mortal man take in the mind of God? How can ways that are higher than our ways and thoughts that are higher than our thoughts possibly fit into our brains? There’s only so much capacity in these mortal minds. Rearrange all you want, without additional capacity it just ain’t gonna happen. It’s like trying to fit an ocean in a cup.

And so, the psalmist’s acknowledgement . . .

I will run . . . when You enlarge my heart!

I will soar when You provide the capacity for understanding Your ways. When You free my heart from that which clutters it . . . when You make broad and roomy pastures in which Your word may abide . . . when You prepare the soil such that it is ready to receive the planted seed and bear much fruit, then will I be able to take it in. Then will Your word be able to take me in. And then will I walk in the way You desire me to walk. No, then will I run!

This isn’t just a book sitting on my desk in front of me, it is the mind of God provided for the mind of man. It contains the things of heaven revealed to those on earth. And the ability to contain this vast storehouse of heavenly treasure is less about my intellect and more about my heart. The needed capacity for comprehension isn’t just about what’s between my ears, but it lies at the very core of who I am. It’s not about how smart I am but how prepared my soul is.

And apart from the work of the Spirit of God to enlarge my heart, I can try and cram as much as I want in there, rearrange it however I want, and it won’t make much difference — my life will still be untidy and encumbered. But oh, when God, through His Spirit, graciously provides the capacity, when He enlarges my heart, then watch me tank up and take off!

What a blessing to be able to be taught of God concerning His ways. What privilege to be illuminated through His Spirit concerning matters of divine revelation. Oh, that I might desire and cry out for the divine capacity to take it in.

Enlarge my heart, O Lord!

By Your grace. For Your glory.

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