Tag Archives: on mission together

Partakers of the Promise Together

This morning, I suffered a bit of a rebuke at the hands of my Greek lexicon. Reminded again that what I want to so readily think is about me is more often than not really about we. This mystery is … Continue reading

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Do We Need to Fight?

It was a quick conversation. A passing comment / counter-comment chat in the restroom quickly conducted between washing and drying our hands. Used to be those were light chats about the weather or the local sports team. Now, seems every … Continue reading

Posted in 1Peter | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Next To

What I recall from most couples I’ve met who have talked of taking on home renovation projects together, is that while they may have saved some money, they stressed their marriage. Whether tiling together, painting together, or hanging pictures together, … Continue reading

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