Tag Archives: renewing of the mind

Renewed in Knowledge

This morning, I’m hovering over Colossians 3:1-11. In particular, I’m chewing on a truth that already is and yet is still becoming. A dynamic that is present in the life of every follower of Jesus, though our participation impacts its … Continue reading

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Stir It Up!

They’re the only two times this particular Greek word is found in the Bible, yet I think it applies to all of Scriptures. It’s Peter’s specific reason for writing his letters but I’d make the case that, when all is … Continue reading

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A Dwelling Faith

Faith, real faith, is not just about what we believe, but is evident in how we behave — and that, because it abides. That’s what I’m picking up from what Paul’s laying down this morning as I eavesdrop on some … Continue reading

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At Work in You

The gospel found severe opposition at Thessalonica. After Paul proclaimed the good news there and presented the evidence that Jesus was the Christ, though persuading some of the Jews and a “great many of the devout Greeks”, the Jewish religious … Continue reading

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The Power of Knowledge

Knowledge is power. So has been said by many in many different contexts. You can’t act on what you don’t know. You can’t do what you’ve never been taught. Hard to have conviction and backbone if you only know what … Continue reading

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