Tag Archives: building up one another

For Building Up, Not for Tearing Down

Paul had opened his heart to them. He had been gracious towards them. Though many among them questioned his authority and his sincerity, yet Paul was patient with them. He reasoned with them, he reminded them of what was true, … Continue reading

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Individually Members

“Expressive individualism.” It’s a term that’s been around for a few years, but one that’s been on my radar more recently. If I’m understanding it correctly, at its core is “You be you.” Be true to yourself. Be the authentic … Continue reading

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An Obligation

For the past few months I have been listening to a podcast that’s walking through the book of Romans. And what I have appreciated as much as anything over these months is the manner in which the “why” of Romans … Continue reading

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The Facts

There’s no way I can read James 4 and not map it to what seems to be a prevailing undercurrent throughout the body of Christ in this season. But the temptation, it seems to me, would be over application or, … Continue reading

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The Purpose of Our Gathering (A 2014 Rerun)

Late night last night. Kind of foggy this morning. Difficulty getting the old pump primed. So, went through the archives. Surprised that I haven’t written anything on 1Corinthians 14 since 2014. This morning it came alive as (I think for … Continue reading

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