Tag Archives: meeting together

We Have Therefore Let Us

Who hasn’t heard people talking about “the last days” over these last months. Folks wondering if the craziness that’s been 2020 is actually the beginning of the birth pains (or even the full on labor) that will deliver the return … Continue reading

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Next To

What I recall from most couples I’ve met who have talked of taking on home renovation projects together, is that while they may have saved some money, they stressed their marriage. Whether tiling together, painting together, or hanging pictures together, … Continue reading

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A Blessing Within Reach

Who doesn’t want a blessing? Who isn’t looking for good things to come their way, especially in difficult times? I’m guessing no one. But I’m also wondering this morning if sometimes we fail to realize the source of blessing which, … Continue reading

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The Company of the Upright

“Don’t it always seem to go . . . that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.” Those words from Joni Mitchell’s 70’s song comes to mind as I hover over the opening verse of Psalm 111. The … Continue reading

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For the Common Good

Yesterday morning, when I was reading in the latter part of 1Corinthians 11, the words that jumped off the page were “when you come together.” Not because I had some profound insight concerning them but because they are repeated again … Continue reading

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