Tag Archives: doing church

Make Sure

I’m reminded again this morning how wired I am (not the “good” wiring, me thinks) to read Scripture as if it’s meant for me the individual rather than me the member of a community. I can “amen! — I’ll do … Continue reading

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Temple Revival (2017 Rerun)

Some thoughts from this day in my reading plan 5 years ago . . . ——————— Two thoughts as I hover over the account of revival in Judah under King Hezekiah . . . First, revival happens where God’s house … Continue reading

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A Prayer for an Addiction

They didn’t apply for a role. They weren’t ordained for a task. No title. No job description. No standing, really. And yet, Paul says, “be subject to such as these.” Now I urge you, brothers — you know that the household … Continue reading

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Come Together

I don’t think it’s “proof-texting.” You know, that practice where you find Scriptures that say what you want to say? But I do think it’s a text that gives further proof of what has been on my mind over recent … Continue reading

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A Personal Life Verse for a Corporate Context

It’s a verse which, if I am honest with myself (and I try to be), I most often apply out of context. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving … Continue reading

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The Purpose of Our Gathering (A 2014 Rerun)

Late night last night. Kind of foggy this morning. Difficulty getting the old pump primed. So, went through the archives. Surprised that I haven’t written anything on 1Corinthians 14 since 2014. This morning it came alive as (I think for … Continue reading

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In It Together

Chewing on 2Corinthians 7 this morning. And trying to imagine it playing out in our modern context. For see what earnestness this godly grief has produced in you, but also what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what … Continue reading

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Subdued, Divided, But Not Settled

Continuing to read in Joshua . . . the less exciting part . . . the mapping out the land part. The big battles are done. For the most part the desert wanderers delivered from Egyptian bondage have moved in. … Continue reading

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A Great Recipe

Okay, I’m not really into spiritual recipes. You know, take so much of this, add so much of that, sprinkle with a pinch of this other thing, let bake for so long, and, voila, you’ll have a winning outcome every … Continue reading

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Doesn’t Have To Be the Loneliest Number

One . . . One . . . One! So the bell peals as I read this morning. So the drum beats out the rhythm. The repetition unmistakable. And the band of my youth had it wrong. One doesn’t have … Continue reading

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