Tag Archives: gospel community

Hard Conversations

I think the church is being stretched. I think in this season everyone, everywhere is being stretched. But if anyone should have their “ears on” and head in the game about the opportunity to re-think and re-calibrate a thing or … Continue reading

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Uncle J.

There’s no way that the life of Joash, the kid king, isn’t a warning for those who have ears to hear. That his life isn’t a shot across the bow that clearly illustrates Paul’s cautionary charge to the Corinthians, “Do … Continue reading

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A Threefold Cord

That they are linked together in Scripture seems clear to me. An inseparable trio. Comprising a threefold cord which is not quickly broken. To have one should be to have the other two. I encountered these three amigos this morning … Continue reading

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My Tribe

Continuing to read in Joshua. Continuing to think about the Levites. Yesterday, I wondered what it was like to watch the other tribes be allotted their inheritance in the promised land and for your tribe’s name never to come up … Continue reading

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