Tag Archives: end times


You know that David’s song is evoked by a certain period of time. But as you read it over a couple of times, you also know it has to be prophetic of a future time. It could have been written … Continue reading

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“Gentlemen, start your engines!” For many of us in the U.S., yesterday it began — the race to Christmas. While the turkey roasted, we put out snacks on the counter, turned on football and let it play in the background, … Continue reading

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Last Words among Last Words

Wrapped up about 20 days in 1 and 2 Peter. Peter’s last letters to those taking it in the teeth for Jesus. Peter’s final exhortations for those in the pressure cooker of oppression, dispersion, and some confusion about the end … Continue reading

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Do We Need to Fight?

It was a quick conversation. A passing comment / counter-comment chat in the restroom quickly conducted between washing and drying our hands. Used to be those were light chats about the weather or the local sports team. Now, seems every … Continue reading

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Living In the End Times

Heard it again this weekend from someone. Something to the effect that we need to be studying the end times right now ’cause we’re in the end times and need to be prepared for the end times. Maybe that’s why … Continue reading

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My Vote

There are those who, in light of current events, say that if ever there was a time for the church to be knee deep into prophecy, it’s now. In all cases where I’ve heard this expressed it’s a call to … Continue reading

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We Have Therefore Let Us

Who hasn’t heard people talking about “the last days” over these last months. Folks wondering if the craziness that’s been 2020 is actually the beginning of the birth pains (or even the full on labor) that will deliver the return … Continue reading

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Straighten Up and Raise Our Heads

However one might think it plays out, I’m thinking that most believers see hard times as being a sign of the end times. That’s why more than one person has asked me over the past several months, “Do you think … Continue reading

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Times of Difficulty

Sometimes we can get more focused on the symptoms rather than the sickness. Distracted by what presents almost to the exclusion of what produces. Failing to connect the dots between things which are indicators and the root cause of what … Continue reading

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The Command and The Promise

He understood the prophetic word he heard. He got the vision that was revealed. That’s what it says of Daniel, in the opening verse of Daniel 10, about the revelation he received in the third year of Cyrus king of … Continue reading

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