Tag Archives: reconciliation

A Gospel Easter Egg

In the MCU they are called “Easter Eggs.” In the bible it’s foreshadowing. Huh? MCU = Marvel Cinematic Universe. The increasing catalog of superhero films and shows produced by Marvel Studios based on the Marvel comics. I haven’t watched all … Continue reading

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We Were, We Are, We Rejoice

Not gonna lie . . . something about working your way through the book of Romans that can’t help but generate some joy. Paul’s precept-upon-precept treatise on “the power of God for salvation” (1:16) builds wonder and worship as it … Continue reading

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He Is Our Song!

I’ve said it before, I don’t get songless saints. Not judging. Just can’t relate to believers who aren’t compelled to sing. Maybe it’s because part of my salvation story involved thinking I was going to a lose my song when … Continue reading

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Treasure in My Sack

The brothers thought they had been brought to the house for a reckoning. Fear struck at the anticipation of standing before the most powerful man in Egypt. The man who had thought they were spies. The man who had kept … Continue reading

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True Companion

At best, he’s a bit player. A walk-on in a stage production. A cameo appearance in a movie. Doesn’t have a speaking part. Name’s not even listed in the credits. You barely notice him. He’s a no name. But this … Continue reading

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The Gospel Covers the Gap

Travel day today. Made my way to a bit of paradise today to mark our 36th anniversary, remember the past 35, and take advantage of some extended quiet time (can Maui be considered one’s prayer closet? . . . hoping … Continue reading

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An Arbiter

Somebody’s not playing fair! So reasons Job, it would seem. Though Job never heard the exact words the Almighty spoke repeatedly to Satan, Job knew his own determination to be marked as a man who was blameless, upright, feared God, … Continue reading

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“Therefore remember . . . ” That’s how my reading in Ephesians (2:11-22) began this morning. I took it as a command to obey. Sometimes you need to recall where you were in order to appreciate anew where you are. … Continue reading

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