Tag Archives: the family of God

Make Sure

I’m reminded again this morning how wired I am (not the “good” wiring, me thinks) to read Scripture as if it’s meant for me the individual rather than me the member of a community. I can “amen! — I’ll do … Continue reading

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Our Identity

Identity. It gets a lot of play these days. Who am I? What am I? Am I what I think I am? Or am I something other than I think I am? Such confusion. This morning, I’m grateful for some … Continue reading

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A Personal Life Verse for a Corporate Context

It’s a verse which, if I am honest with myself (and I try to be), I most often apply out of context. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving … Continue reading

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Short thought this morning . . early morning grandkids have a way of cutting into your “be still and know” time . . . Love it! Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, … Continue reading

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Our Investment Portfolios

I have often been intrigued by the idea of laying up “treasures in heaven.” Of being mindful that there is stuff we do in the here and now that results in the accumulation and deposit of valuable collectibles in the … Continue reading

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A Rebuke and An Encouragement

Truth be known, when the going get’s tough, I tend to get tough, too. When the heat is on, I have a propensity to harden. When I’m being tested, often I get testy. When I feel the seemingly relentless pressure … Continue reading

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Righteous Swordsmen

Everything within David wanted to get into a shouting match. Insult me? I’ll insult you more! Slander me? I’ll show you what trash talking is all about! But though that was David’s natural propensity, his prayer in Psalm 141 asks … Continue reading

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Not Ashamed

Chewing on the last nine verses of Hebrews 2 this morning. Almost too much to take in. Multiple meals here. I could feast on a God, “for whom and by whom all things exist.” Or savor His gracious determination to … Continue reading

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Do It Together!

Paul wrote because some form of deceptive teaching was threatening to destabilize their heavenly calling. While what was being laid down had the “appearance of wisdom in promoting self made religion,” to pick it up provided no help whatsoever “in … Continue reading

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Smart Thinking

Paranoia is just smart thinking when everybody’s against you. Heard that years ago from a colleague. Made me laugh then. Still causes me to chuckle now. And I kind of think that, overall, our culture is full of “smart thinkers.” … Continue reading

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